Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Hello New York City!!  Just had a very sweet client who told me he's been watching me for a few years now...  Imagine that!  Cum on guys .....  Don't wait too Late to make it happen!  (smile)  I am here now, can't promise tomorrow!  lol.....

Gentlemen.......  Is it 3 Strikes you're OUT!??.....  Well not in this case at all!  ...  On the contrary actually...  3 great clients my 1st day back to NYC!  1 of which was a sweet Virgin Indian Straight Guy currently with a girl friend.  Of course he may always choose to be with women as is his prerogative.  But let's just say that he took all of me deep inside.  Never screamed an a single ouch!  (contented smile).  Yep, has read my blogs, wondered, and asked about the 'pain' involved in getting plowed.  I answered all.  Assured all would be fine.  And so it was!  Happy to say! 

So much so, he's considering an overnight for later in the week.  Had 4 more inquiries to see me this evening but they all came in at around 9 pm, while I was already on my way to another , this time, 'regular' client.

These days I prioritize my morning workout times and so am more reluctant to take late night clients.  Especially those who wait too late to seek an appointment. 

Each client told me how great a time they had.  All will repeat for sure, and I am very pleased to hear so many of you are enjoying my Blog.  Following my passions gentlemen.  This is how I'm choosing to live now.  Thanks for your continued support as I continue to be better and improve upon my personal self too.

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