Friday, May 11, 2012

Sexuality is a lot more Liquid than they would have you believe!

Hi Guys!

Just had another very satisfied gentlemen client.  Comes in for a massage.  63 yrs. old married from Boston area with 2nd home over in south Florida.  Who could that be??  Hmm....  I tell you right now, this is an accurate but very generic description that fits the mold for thousands if not millions of men all over the globe.   Minus the Boston and Florida locations of course! lol.

But here he is.  Experimenting, (more like knowing) that he thoroughly enjoys the sex, companionship, and camaraderie of being intimate with another man.  So He feels my cock inside him and tells me he just LOVES every minute of it!

Sexuality is a lot more liquid than the nay sayers and opposers of same sex partnerships would let you know my friends!  Don't believe the bullshit!

Many many many...  Did I say Many?!! Men, married or otherwise enjoy fucking sucking everything and anything else with other men, much more than the "norm", would like you to believe, much less, to read, or learn more about!

Express yourself guys!  Be not afraid!  Best to have lived and loved, than never to have lived at all!!!  Living, and keeping your truest nature in a lock box is not allowing yourself to become fully realized!  Hugs and kisses!


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