Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Great "Fucking" Day... (Smile)

Off to a new location in Manhattan today.  Any of you out here in the City wish to meet, hit me up.

Tomorrow noon I take off to another yet to be disclosed location.  Can anyone say DC??  LOL... Well, while not quite decided, it's probable.  Maybe one more hit to Philly too...  Before I take myself back to Orlando for the holidays with family.

Had quite a "fucking" day yesterday actually and it was quite fun too!  Had a sweet 2 hour appointment with a cute some what soft burly type.  All was good, minus his 3 or more times, wanting to verify if the condom broke, and if I had cum inside him, or not.  Question's, not the issue.  Being asked twice, and then getting emailed with the same question again, is.  Well, let's just say enough is enough.  I tell the truth when asked the first time around.  Now it's your turn to believe me, and just deal with your own stuff.  I've got enough to deal with day to day. 

I'm a lighthearted guy, but health issues I take seriously.  So let that be know.  Done.  LOL...