Monday, December 3, 2012

Unveling the Myth & Revealing the Truth!

Every now and then I get someone who allows his own personal phobias to get in the way of meeting with me and having an amazing time.

Now guys really.  Think logically for a moment here.  Do you really think cops will announce their intention to bring you down if they are investigating?  If they did, do you think any investigation would be successful?  No, neither do I, and yes I think it would be hazardous to any investigation if they were to let you know they were cops in advance.  I think cops are much smarter than that.

So for those of you novices out there not knowing about, or working, within this industry.  No, a cop is NOT required by law to tell you he is a cop, when and if, he is conducting some kind of sting operation!  I have this on good word from several cops I have known in the past who have been good friends.  One of them an undercover detective from NYC who
lived in my building and did sting operations all day long.

Furthermore, in today's political and  thankfully newly democratic, climate, our Government has more important matters at hand, to deal with other than squander valuable manpower and resources trying to stop what they are all to aware as the oldest profession in the world, and for very good reason.  No, they are not targeting gay men or the male sex workers for that matter either.  Some of the recent stings have been due solely to Sex trafficking.

If you think that by asking me if I am a cop it will solve the problem for you.  You couldn't be any further from the truth!

I had a guy just yesterday call me back, after booking an appointment for the same day with his concerns that I might be a cop or something.  Now he just became the last straw, for me.  I just basically told him to do his research and that I was unwilling to be bothered seeing him after his questioning me.  Now get this too.  This is after his texting me for  2 days straight, and expecting to book without speaking to me 1st.  Not something I do EVER!

Reasons cited;

1. Because I asked him for a description up front.  

Well would you go to bed with someone who just randomly knocked on your door??  I didn't think so.  Well neither do I.  Clients see multiple pics of me.  All I ask is for a description.  If you can't stomach that idea.  Then you need to get your head examined, not cross-examine mine !

2. Because I ask for money upfront. 

While I do not request this of my massage clients.  I do request business be handled upfront when booking any "full service" aka "anything goes" type of session. 

I refer to this as my disclaimer, on occasion.  And I usually try to mention this during our initial chat to discuss, set, and confirm, for the sake of transparency, (which many guys appreciate), so we are all are on the same page, and nothing is left unsaid before we meet.  This is posted and explained on the "rates" area of my website for all to read.  Go to

Any Professional, self respecting escort knows the reason for this policy, it is a very common practice, and for very good reason.  Best you can do is get to know the guy you plan to hire.  Carefully reading his ad, seeing that he is reviewed.  If he has none, and you decide to take your chances? Fine, then at least talk with him first and ask questions so there are no surprises in the end.  Questions like how much and details of the service are important.  In this business, it's up to you, to do your research.

Now back to me.  I have several escort and erotic massage ads running constantly.  Have more than 60 reviews on any one site.  one of those is on  Some of them are pretty descriptive too.  I have a complete escort website, with naked pics and nice and naught descriptions.  Hell, i even have a sex video here on this very blog too! 

In the end phobias are phobias, and what I am not here to do gentlemen, is to try and "convince" anyone to do anything.  These adult choices are entirely in your hands.  Going forward I will direct concerned parties, to this area of my page, and those unwilling to read for themselves I simply will not give the time of day.

I am happy to answer and all questions regarding my services.  What I will not tolerate is anyone questioning me or my integrity.  This will only piss me off and make me not want to engage in the kind of activity my ad, my website or my blog is here to promote.  Let's keep it real and make your deep desires come true.  We all win with self respect and honor.  You lose with ignorance and blatant stupidity.

Thankfully, I am great at what I do, and many continue to encourage and experience this when they review my ads, reviews, website, and blog designed to present myself as a professional with knowledge and a good practice. 
In the end I decided to post this information in hope of giving some of you more information to further educate. 

Cops, look for pedophiles, and sex trafficking offenders.  For those of you who may not know the meaning.  Sex traffickers are those who kidnap, coerce, and or force women, under age children, or men into selling themselves for sex or any other activity considered illegal here in the USA.  Below is the legal definition for you to review. 

"the legal definition of human trafficking set forth in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) will be used. In the TVPA, Congress defines severe forms of trafficking in persons as:
a) Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or
b) The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery (8 U.S.C. § 1101)."

                                                Watch this video, "Ending Slavery in Our Time"

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