Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I aim high and my goal, as I REALIZE it.......

Hey Guys,

How's it going out there.  Catch me now while I'm here guys!  My goal is to develop my physique to superior standards...  I got a long way to go still, but I'm maintaining my "steady as he goes" mindset.  Monitoring my meals, (quite a challenge when living out of hotels, I'll have you know).  Then again, some of you guys out there know exactly what that's like. 

So many clients I have met share those life out of a suitcase stories with me.  Many unfortunately let themselves become overweight.  I however, being of sound body and mind, refuse to let that happen.  I prioritize me, above all else right now.  Yep, I come even before money or taking that extra client.  (smile)

Not that my clients are not important, because, just like for any business, out there.  Client development is everything.  I run my show no differently.  Will I be able to fit every single one, with every single need and desire in?  No, not necessarily, but thankfully those I can't serve for one reason or another usually never make it through my doors.  How is that, or why you might ask??  Well, because of simple trick I use before meeting any prospective client.  Ready, this is gonna be a big one!!  


Yep, and this serves to clarify purpose, intent, and along with it, brings clarity, and agreement on fees and service expectations.   Some who want more for less, may not like it because I call them out on it, right off the top, (indirectly of course).  But those who appreciate honesty, hard work, and integrity, usually understand, appreciate, and actually embrace my methods and praise me for my intelligent business practices.

I aim high and my goal, as I realize it, is to create a genuine quality based business.  This is what you all can read about, through the many reviews posted, by men, such as yourselves, that attest to what I am saying here.  Anyway, rambling a bit now.  Well, it's my blog anyway!  haha... 

Sweet dreams ALL!  Hugs!

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