Thursday, November 1, 2012

Heart Breaking! Storm Devastation!

Crying..... Hard to hear and watch the awful news talking about the different people who lost their lives in the NY, NJ area from this Franken Storm this past week!

Devastating!  My home town of Hoboken also under water mostly still 3 days later.

Have 2 Aunts down there still trapped, but at least they are in a senior citizens building who watches out for all its residents, and I know they are fine because someone local was able to verify.

Staten Island devastated too!  Just watching the coverage on CNN!

God Bless our Country!  We must keep Obama in office as he clearly has demonstrated the unyielding resolve to push forward clean energy unlike his opponent who instead joked about us having a leader who cares about "rising waters' referencing of course our President's unwavering attempts to support research into various clean energy technologies!

We may not have the most perfect solution but we are so far THE BEST THE WORLD HAS TO OFFER!  As Americans we have built this and as Americans from many many diverse backgrounds we can and with the right person at the helm we can get this country back on track!

I can go on but suffice it to say that I am heart broken and am sending the best thoughts and wishes to all those affected by this nightmare situation!

Peace, warmth, care and understanding, will help us rebuild on this and on many other levels!  Let's team up and make the shift in the USA!

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