Thursday, July 26, 2012

Reading for growth vs current events!

Ok okay,..... I get it I get it! One book read in about 6 months....not exactly impressive! lol....

Yea, I took my time. Didn't read everyday. There! I confessed it! You happy...?? .... haha.. Well, It's cool with me, because I had to ween myself back into reading like this.

I actually read a whole lot! Every single day. Problem was that most of my reading has been in the form of current events.

Yes, i read several hours everyday, but mostly news stories, or other current event related articles. A whole lot of something taking me nowhere, really. So I decided I needed to step it up, for my own personal growth. Yep, news events tend to depress. So there! haha..

Anyway, I'm moving rapidly now with my new book, and have already downloaded another book to be my next read. More immediate goal is to read a book a month and keep going from there. Key is to cut back the TV viewing. haha..

Yea too much of that lately here in Orlando, where I don't go out a whole lot... Good night all! You all will be seeing me again very soon, Promise!

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