Friday, January 13, 2012

"Experiencing Adam" .....PRICELESS! LOL!

Here I am in Orlando my sweet men!  Had a very sweet 40 50 something 30 year married guy come to me last night.  hour and a half together.  Those of you wondering can check out the review he wrote me on  Had never been with a man before ever AT ALL!  Not even ever touched another man's cock EVER!  Imagine that??!!!!  Are there more of you out there like that? 

Well, truth is YES!  I know this.  Anyway, he walked away, saying wow, now I leave, a man, with experience!  haha..  Loved it from start to finish of course.  Every single man who takes the time to book walks away with a truly rewarding experience!  .......  PRICELESS! 

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