Friday, July 11, 2014

New site... Upcoming

Seems like forever!

I know, me too believe me!  Oh, I see, You don't know what I'm talking about!

Okay, well, I'm talking about my site.  The new one that is!  The one that should've been done months ago now!

Yikes!  Anyway was online today trying to figure some things out.  Part of it is because I have much of the work to do myself.  Hired out the site design but some of the more important aspects, I have had to do alone.  Paying is not an option right now.

One day!  haha..  So anyway, it looks to be coming out nicely.  I was really hoping to get it online today finally but maybe tomorrow..  Time is everything, and I've been studying so much.  Had a 3 hour call with a Coaching Client today, and so I fell into the loop once again!

haha....  Not complaining.  It's all good!  Great things are brewing!  Hang in there guys!  It's gonna be so cool when I get it up and running.  The changes will  be far more frequent.  As I continue to tweak my discipline, you will see and benefit from the cool growth spurts! 

PS. I will be traveling again next Weds.  Get on my mailing list.  Announcement will be made there 1st.


1 comment:

  1. U can do it hot stud. We love u Adam, well, your cock especially!
